1) Home. Food, wine, mummy time and relaxing. Its been idyllic and I think that going back to uni today is going to be a bit of a shock to the system!
2) This song ^^. If you haven't heard it, have a listen.
3) Seeing one of my oldest school friends for catch ups, lunch and g&ts. I hand't seen him since the summer for one reason and another which is no way happening again!
4) Driving. Its one of those things that I forget how much I enjoy when I'm at uni but when I come home I truly relish it!
5) Skype with my sisters. Yes, they may both be on a beach in 40 degree heat right now but we won't hold that against them too much! Giggling conversations are always the best ones.
6) Job applications for this term. So very time consuming but when you start to get responses it becomes oh so satisfying. I'm not looking forward to doing it all for real in a couple of months time for graduation but the CV is sorted so at least thats a step in the right direction!
7) My first run since I damaged my wrist last term and had to cancel my gym subscription. It hurt but fingers crossed it will be worth it.
8) Freshly squeezed juice for breakfast. Another home pleasure but incredibly good!
9) Dissertation inspiration. I may still have a long way to go before I even decide on a topic but I picked up my first book this week for one of two 6,000 word essays. Thats definitely progress and I'm actually looking forward to getting on with them and getting them out the way now final exams are done.
10) Supper and cuddles with one of my favourites and her gorgeous baby. I'm not sure who was wetter at bath time but Louis is so incredibly gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing him for a London baby day out for a mid term time break soon!