Sunday, 21 June 2015

10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

A week of catch ups, summer dreaming, home, ice lollies and skirt lusting... 

Ottolenghi experiments

For supper at home, experiments are always fun. We'd had a big lunch and didn't fancy anything too filling for supper so, after a flick though the incredible Ottolenghi cookbook, we decided to have lots of smaller dishes, experiment with some flavours and make a few different things.

We ended up with six dishes on the table, lots of good white wine and candles and it was a perfect way to spend a Saturday eve. 

Sunday, 14 June 2015

10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

As Spring turns to Summer the adventures seem to increase and the longer days seem to somehow get more and more full. But I for one am definitely not complaining. My desire to sit in front of a screen and write a blog post after a long day at work is fairly low right now and with the onset of brighter evenings recently, I seem to have had an after work plan more often than not (naughty on school nights!). This weekend has been such a chilled one though and I feel truly refreshed, somehow still tired - what is that about?! - and well and truly ready for summer to begin!