Wednesday, 17 September 2014

10 Things That Have Made Me Happy This Week

I've been playing catch up in all areas of my life at the moment and constantly feel like I'm one step behind. London living, new job and life admin are busy busy busy and blogging has been the thing to take a back seat. I've been poorly for the last couple of days and couldn't face the tube in my dizzy state this morning so am having a sleeping day which was very necessary. My drafts have been filled with all of the adventures I want to share from the past few weeks but I thought I would start with the things that have been making me happy this week. When life is busy its nice to note how important the small things are.

Images via my Pinterest 

1) Louis' naming ceremony. My godson had his naming ceremony on Sunday. We ate scones, drank champagne, chatted and caught up with family and friends at a vineyard in Essex. Perfect day.

2) Seeing the leaves begin to turn colour and fall from the trees. I love this time of year. Knowing that winter boots are just round the corner makes me very happy.

3) Scarves. The saviour to tube travel when its not quite cold enough for a coat.

4) Coming back to my London flat. Drama free, clean and always with a full fridge. The contrast and atmosphere compared to uni living is unbelievable and I'm so enjoying it.

5) 4 days with the boy in London. Hasn't happened for a long time and was chilled out and lovely.

6) Responsibility at work. I'm running 4 events within a month of each other and finding the challenge so exciting.

7) Knowing that home, mummy, family and the countryside are only ever an hour away.

8) The fact that my big brother is on Grand Designs tonight ahhhh! I love that programme so my excitement levels are massive right now!

9) Charity shop shopping. Dalston has the gem of a charity shop. £2.99 an item and the rails are filled with Hobbs, Zara and Topshop among numerous vintage finds.

10) Making weekend plans for London exploring, wandering and discovering and aiming to fit in a trip to Columbia Road flower market on Sunday morning too.


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