Thursday, 31 July 2014

A summer of sorting

The past few months have been a bit crazy. Writing 2 dissertations, leaving uni, looking for a job, graduating, packing, unpacking, a break up, the bit after where it was decided it was all a bit of a mistake and trying to deal with everything that comes with that and really, just getting on with real life in the whole post uni haze.  

Blogging hasn't been top of my list and I really haven't felt inspired to write. Its hard to fit it in when you're trying to do a full time job, freelance, apply for 'real' jobs and have a vague social life/actually have time to speak to anyone and retain a bit of sanity!! But then I realised quite how much I miss having my little part of the internet. An online memory as it were where everything can be documented and looked back on whenever I fancy. All those pretty blue & white things, lovely moments with friends, good food and little bits of luxury! 

It made me remember that I started blogging because I like having that record. I like my loved ones to be able to feel like they were a part of my adventures, to be able to flick back to my own recipes and see the tweaks I made from reading the original and a place for me to just remember in these busy 20-odd years of just figuring it all out. 

I know that haze is going to get even hazier when I get to London (2 1/2 weeks till move in date!!) and I feel like its time to take away the pressure of having to blog and just get on with it, be it short posts or long posts- I've remembered that it really can be whatever I fancy! It doesn't have to be perfect and that photo of the pretty blue & white pasta bowl, of the boats bobbing on the water on my walk to work, or that really good glass of Pinot can all be shared without much else if thats what works at the time. These are the pictures that I haven't shared over the last couple of months but that make me smile whenever I flick through my iPhone or Instagram and see them. 

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